Validating Things To Say To Friends and Family When They Are Injured
“Injuries can take a long time and there are many ups and downs - go easy on yourself”
“Injuries are hard, your emotions are totally appropriate”
“A lot has changed in your life very quickly, it makes sense that you are feeling this way”
“However you are feeling, I am just happy to be with you”
“I cannot fully understand how you feel, but I am here for you”
What we might want to say:
"You're so strong you'll get over this in a heartbeat"
"I've seen you get over worse. You'll be fine"
"Just think positively"
While these may sound like good things to say, often these types of statements do more to help ourselves feel relief than the person we are talking to. "You'll be fine" statements may sound encouraging, but often may actually bypass where the person actually is.
The person you are speaking to may not feel strong or resilient in this moment. Anyone assuming that they are, may make them feel very unseen and isolated in their feelings.
Instead, we can use validating statements to support them where they are at. Validation helps people feel seen, heard and supported.
The irony is we often try to avoid emotions in order to get to a solution, but so often it is being with and acknowledging the emotion that IS the solution.